Lectionary reflections for Sunday 7th June 2020

Trinity Sunday                                  Year A                                                            7 June 2020.

Lectionary Readings

Isaiah 40 v12-17; 27-31.                    Who compares with God? And the LORD gives strength.

2 Corinthians 13 v1-13                     Letter ending- blessing.

Matthew 28 v16-20                            What Jesus’ followers must do.


What is it that motivates and binds together God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit?

The apostle Paul is in no doubt – and weaves his understanding into the blessing at the end of his letter to the community of Christians in Corinth. “I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will bless you and be kind to you. May God bless you with his love and may the Holy Spirit join all your hearts together”.           

Love is both a binding agent and an energy giving force. Love originates from God. God is the source of love, the inexhaustible well of love, that Isaiah alludes to, constantly flowing outwards from God to all creation.

If we want to play our part in God’s plan of reconciling earth and heaven; then we need to tap into the stream of positive, life enhancing energy that we call ‘love’. Fortunately for us, Jesus has made this possible, by the gift of his Holy Spirit.

We are to do just as Paul urges the Corinthians to do, to get on with one another, encouraging each other in our common journey of faith, demonstrating to others how a life motivated and sustained by love is lived out, day by day.

We are to show this by the way we relate to one another, and how we respond to life’s difficulties and disappointments. How we use our time and talents and how we make use of our material resources. In so doing we can offer our community an alternative and more desirable ‘world view’; one that runs counter to that offered by those whose values are rooted in a culture of materialism, power, and wealth.

The credibility and attractiveness of Christianity relies upon us witnessing to what motivates us, who we have faith in and who we believe is really in charge of this world.

As Matthew makes plain at the end of his gospel – The risen Christ is counting on us!

Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English Version.

Thanks to Mike Peck for submitting these reflections