Lectionary reflections for Sunday 6th September 2020

23rd Sunday on Ordinary Time        Year A                                                6th September 2020

Lectionary Readings

Ezekiel 33 v 7-11                    Ezekiel is appointed to ‘stand watch’ for the people of Israel.

Romans 13 v 8-14                  Love is all that the Law demands.

Matthew 18 v 15-20               When someone sins.

‘Standing Watch’ over the flow of God’s grace and love.

As a young naval officer, I was appointed to ‘stand watch’. The Captain delegated authority to me as a bridge watch-keeper to take responsibility for the safety of the ship and its crew.

Ezekiel has been appointed by God to ‘stand watch’ for the people of Israel. (v7). God has delegated authority to the prophet to safeguard the spiritual welfare of God’s people.

Ezekiel is instructed to warn them about the serious consequences of sinful behaviour. God points out that the people will only have themselves to blame if they do not heed the warning.

As God says  “If the Israelites want to live, they must stop sinning and turn back to me.” (v11).

Matthew recounts Jesus’ advice about what to do if one of his followers sins against another. If a word in private doesn’t prompt an apology or change of heart, then we are to seek support from fellow believers or the whole church community.

Sin is seen as an obstacle to grace; something that blocks the flow of God’s love.

Paul reflects on the power of love to put relationships right, with God and with others.. Paul urges us to “love others as much as you love yourself”. He continues, “No one who loves others will harm them”. (v9/10).

So, if we are to follow Jesus as true disciples, we are to show love to others. We are to listen to our Christian friends when we go astray and be ready to put things right, if we can, (or seek God’s help if we can’t); so that God’s grace and love can flow, as intended, over us all.

Bible quotations are taken from the Contemporary English Version.

Thanks to Mike Peck for submitting these reflections