“Learning today for life tomorrow.”

In July Drew, James, Richard and I enjoyed a few days holiday in Whitstable.

We were blessed with excellent weather, a lovely house to stay in and far too much food to eat. We had lots of long walks and my sons tried paddle boarding for the first time. My excuse for not trying it was that I had to guard their belongings on the beach. 

The one thing which we had been told was that there was on-street parking at the house we were renting. It didn’t say that it might be four or five streets away or not available at all.

One of the days I parked my car in the school grounds which was quite close to the house. The children were on holidays and the grounds were being used to raise funds for a charity.

As I was parking, I noticed a sign on the wall which said, “Learning today for life tomorrow.” I thought a great deal about this sign and what it meant. The children were being taught to prepare themselves for their lives in the future. Personally, it was saying to me that I was not too old to learn new things. 

How often when you read your bible do you discover new ideas, even when you thought you knew what a certain passage was about.

When we listen to others, we can see things in a new light and broaden our own horizons.

Heavenly Father, help us to have open minds and in learning new things may we show your love in more situations.