Kirton Garden Gatherings

Every Sunday afternoon during August and September (Weather permitting) , the lovely garden at Kirton Chapel will be open at 4pm to view a selection of Worship Stations.

Small groups of no more than six at a time will be able to view the worship stations, once a group has moved around a couple of stations the next group will be allowed in. This way we will hopefully keep your all as safe as possible and keep a good flow of movement.

The first week the theme was Birds in the Bible…

It was Jesus himself, in the Sermon on the Mount, who told us to be birdwatchers!

“Behold the fowls of the air” is how the King James Version renders his command (Matthew 6.26).

Translated into basic English, however his instruction becomes ‘watch birds!’  So, we have the highest possible authority for this activity.  The Greek verb employed here means to fix the eyes on or take a good look at.  This will certainly include our study and appreciation of their plumage and behaviour. But the Bible tells us that birds have lessons to teach us as well.

There were 7 Worship stations set up for the first session, The dove, Owl, Raven, Hen, Sparrow, Lark and Peacock.

Below are 2 pictures, one from the entrance and one from the Owl station.

If you wish to visit on a future Sunday please contact Rev Diane Smith for further information.