
Continuing on the theme of the fruits of the Spirit, I was reminded of kindness through the simple acts of a local lady just a few weeks back.

I had the unfortunate luck to be involved in a minor road traffic accident in May. Having been knocked off my bike I came to sitting on the side of the road. The driver had stopped and checked I was OK and called the emergency services.

I was aware of a vaguely familiar voice and saw a lady’s face smiling at me. I was clearly somewhat confused and with a painful arm and cut forehead she made sure I remained seated on the ground. She phoned my husband to tell him what had happened, and then sat with me for what seemed like over an hour whilst we waited. Her husband took my injured bike home in his pickup.

These were simple acts of kindness. I have no idea what she and her family had planned to do – shopping, watch her son play football, visit friends – yet they remained with me the whole time until the paramedics arrived.

Kindness is simple, spontaneous, and selfless.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for those people who show simple acts of kindness. Help us to take up those opportunities that come our way – selflessly and spontaneously. And help us to show gratitude to those who display kindness in their lives. AMEN