Just a cup of tea?

On Thursday the 13th July at the Folk Cafe in Trinity Anne Clake sang this lovely song beautifully.

Love that Makes a Cup of Tea.

There is love that moves a mountain,

There is love that beats a drum,

There is love that fights for justice,

Knowing justice won’t be done.

There is love that goes to prison,

Love that goes to war,

There is love that rows a lifeboat,

Towards some shining golden shore.

And there is love that makes a cup of tea,

Asks how you’re doing,

And listens quietly,

Slips you twenty dollars….

When your rent’s behind

That’s the kind of love I hope you find.

There is love that shouts its name out loud,

Love that builds a wall,

But love that stoops to conquer,

Isn’t really love at all,

It’s an echo in the darkness,

It’s a well that can’t be filled,

It’s an endless hall of mirrors,

And it only sees itself

But there is love that makes a cup of tea,

Love that loves both who you are,

And who you wanna be,

Love that waits for you to fall behind,

That’s the kind of love I hope you find,

That’s the kind of love I hope you find. 

Sometimes I wonder just how many cups of tea are made at various church functions. They are a great opportunity to talk with people and listen to them. This shared time may be the only time that a person gets the chance to talk to another human being. A cup of tea is such a simple way of sharing God’s love with another. Thank You Lord for our cups of love otherwise known as a cup of tea.