
As I write this, the Jubilee celebrations are still fresh in my memory but by the time you read these words, those days may seem long gone!! The idea of ‘jubilee’ originated way back in the times of Moses’ wanderings in the desert. Hebrew time was divided into seven year cycles. After the seventh of seven year cycles, ie the fiftieth year was declared a year of jubilee or liberty. Debts were cancelled and slaves released. Everyone was aware of when the next Jubilee year would be and financial calculations were made bearing this in mind so that people couldn’t take advantage of Jubilee benefits. It must have been a high point in people’s lives. Something to look forward too which would never be experienced twice. Something talked about for years afterwards. Something that could be life changing.

Imagine being free from all financial debts!  Imagine being set free if you were a slave! Without having to work extra for it, just because the time fell right for you. Well, bad news…… I don’t think for one minute the Chancellor is going to announce a mortgage amnesty, or that we will get free energy for a year. Nor do I think those enslaved physically or mentally will be released from their bondage this Year of Jubilee.

However, God is the same caring God as He was then. The provisions He made then for His people still stand today. He wants us to be free of cares and restrictions. It seems impossible. But we can start by talking to Him, admitting we’ve made a mess of things and depending on Him to help us out, just like the early Israelites had too. It won’t be easy – many of the problems and issues will remain but because of the change in us and our acknowledgement of our need, we will know He is with us and we’re not facing troubles alone.

If you’ve not been inside a church or opened a Bible, you may feel that Christianity is a dusty old tradition and that God has no place in Your life. Recently we held a Songs of Praise service in which ten members of our congregation from 11-91 years old chose a hymn that was special to them and gave their reasons. They spoke of having a relationship with this Awesome God who has helped them through very practical difficulties of life – bullying, miscarriage, bereavement, sickness.

During this Jubilee Year, if you feel enslaved or restricted speak to God and ask Him to help.