We’re on our way to Bethlehem but who will show us the way?


Journeys can be long or short, easy or difficult, slow or quick.  You might travel alone or in a group.  You might stop along the way.  You might get lost. You might need help to find your way.

In ADVENT think about the Magi, the Wise Men, the noble pilgrims from the East, Gentiles, foreigners, outsiders. They followed a guiding star to find an infant born to be King of the Jews.

Although we consider them “wise” they weren’t that wise as they were looking in the wrong place!  They assumed a king would be born in a palace or grand mansion.  It wouldn’t occur to them to look in a stable.

By getting lost & searching in the wrong place it came to the attention of King Herod who “was troubled” at the news and asked that word be brought to him once found “so I may also come & worship him”. The intention was to kill him. (A new king could take his power away.)

Thus the “wise” men put the Christ Child in danger.  They made Him vulnerable. Not a wise thing to do. Also they brought inappropriate presents!

So the Wise Men as learned foreigners went on a long journey, their destination was difficult to find as they had the wrong image of a king.

The Christ Child is there for us all, however long it takes for us to find Him.  We might be looking in the wrong place.

We’re on our way to Bethlehem but who will show us the way?