We’re on our way to Bethlehem but who will show us the way?


Journeys can be long or short, easy or difficult, slow or quick.  You might travel alone or in a group.  You might stop along the way.  You might get lost. You might need help to find your way.

In ADVENT think about the journey of the shepherds.  They were the first visitors invited to meet the Christ Child.  The lowliest of society.  Considered to be “honest & straightforward”.  They were to be the messengers of the Good News.  They hurried to find Jesus (“they came in haste”), they were eager, they spread the word & they glorified & praised God (“they made known abroad”).

As the first to hear of Jesus’ birth they are an important part of the Nativity story.

They believed the angel.  They were the first evangelists.

Also they found the Christ Child easily. They found Him in a familiar place to them – a stable – a place they felt comfortable with, unintimidating.  Home from home. For the shepherds this was an easy, comfortable & joyous journey.

What about your journey to meet the Christ Child?  Have you found Him?  Were you eager to hear the Good News?  Was he easy to find?

If Jesus was born today, who would be the first visitors?

We’re on the way to Bethlehem but who will show us the way?