We’re on our way to Bethlehem but who will show us the way?


Journeys can be long or short, easy or difficult, slow or quick.  You might travel alone or in a group.  You might stop along the way.  You might get lost. You might need help to find your way.

In ADVENT think about the journey of Joseph & the heavily pregnant Mary as they travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem to register for the census. They had to travel 90 miles to the city of Joseph’s ancestors, south along the flatlands of the Jordan River, west over the hills surrounding Jerusalem & on into Bethlehem.  A grueling journey that took 5 days, often referred to as the “Nativity Trail”. The both walked (there’s no reference to a donkey in the Bible).

Along the way where did they stay?

And then they arrive late in Bethlehem, full of visitors, full occupancy of rooms, nowhere to stay – “sorry no vacancies”.

Mary & Joseph were placed in a vulnerable environment (perhaps deliberately), amongst unfriendly strangers, no hospitality.  No one offered to give up their room for a heavily pregnant woman.

The Christ Child was born in a stable.  From the beginning He was placed with the under-privileged, vulnerable & poor, rejected & turned away. No one had a room for Him.

The occupants of Bethlehem didn’t meet with the Christ Child. They didn’t know He was there. So near and yet so far.

Think about your journey to meet the Christ Child. Have you found Him?  He may be so near but you don’t realise it.

Have you room for Jesus or is He crowded out by all the festivities & busy-ness of Christmas?  And yet Jesus always has room for you.

We’re on the way to Bethlehem but who will show us the way?