Joan’s Jottings for 9th April

Dear Siblings in Christ,

By the time you read this, our online worship service for Maundy Thursday will be available as video or audio. In this service, recalling the events of Jesus’ life on the evening before he was arrested, we will share together a meal of comforting food. So bring some food to our virtual feast as we break and share comfort and love. It could be a cup of tea and biscuit, or sandwiches and juice, or dinner and coffee; whatever food you would like to eat, as we keep company with Jesus.

We will also have an online worship service for Good Friday that will be available on Friday morning. You can watch it at any time, but you may prefer to wait until the evening as it is a Tenebrae Service, a service of shadows, journeying with Jesus to the cross, and finishing in darkness.

A reminder that we have Stations of the Cross brochure for you to experience at your own pace the Way of the Cross through a series of images and readings depicting the Passion Story with accompanying questions for contemplation. This uses art from St. Mary at the Elms; but you might also like to look at the video produced by the Felixstowe churches of original artwork of the stations that they have painted.

Prayer Request: A couple from Museum Street asks for your prayers for her sister, who has a compromised immune system and has tested positive for the Coronavirus.

As you take this holy solemn pilgrimage with Jesus, I will leave the computer savvy among us with some religious humour:


For those who need an explanation; Zoom is the computer program that we are using to hold meetings. A video of the person talking appears at the bottom of the screen and a video of each of those attending the meeting in their own homes appears at the top of the screen.

May you have a sacred Holy Triduum.

I am keeping you in my prayers. May God’s peace be with you all,
In Christ
–Pastor Joan  

Rev. Joan Pell

Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and shared here for all to read.

Click here for previous Joan’s Jottings.