Joan’s Jottings for 5th June

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Christian leaders in Ipswich have today put out a press release with a joint statement in response to the killing of George Floyd. Your six appointed circuit ministers have all signed it. This was put together in a short period of time, so, please do not assume, therefore, that if a neighbouring church or church leader is not on the list that they didn’t agree with the sentiment of the letter! You can read the press release here.

Last Sunday, in our Pentecost service, I shared a video of the Lord’s Prayer recited by clergy and ministers across Ipswich. If you want to see it again, or point your friends to it, then you can find it here.

Capel St Mary Methodist Church is seeking a Part Time Chaplain / Youth Worker from September 1st 2020 to work at East Bergholt High School and in Capel St Mary. Please get the word out to anyone that you think might be interested in applying. Full details here.

Rev. Julian Pursehouse in his weekly pastoral letter writes this week about wisdom. Read it here.

I have seen some reports about scams with respect to NHS tracing and testing. Please note: To book in a Coronavirus test, you can do this by going to the official NHS website or by calling 119. Anyone who contacts you out of the blue and asks for payment in exchange for a testing kit is a scam. More information on what to watch out for can be found here and information about the Track and Trace scheme is on this government website: .

And here’s your chuckle!

I am keeping you in my prayers. May God’s peace be with you all,
In Christ
–Pastor Joan  

Rev. Joan Pell

Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and shared here for all to read.

Click here for previous Joan’s Jottings.