Joan’s Jottings for 26th April

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Today’s service is available online here as we begin our new series Tales from Peter’s Discipleship Journey and wonder at how Peter’s journey from Fisherman to Disciple began. The scripture is from Matthew 4:18-22 and Luke 5:1-11 as Jesus calls the first disciples to come and follow him.

At this link you will also find a written service by Rev. Derek Grimshaw, video reflections by Rev. Diane Smith and Rev. Martin Dawes, and the 10.30 a.m. livestream for the service from Capel St Mary which is led today by Rev. Andrew Sankey as they begin a new sermon series Being Church, Doing life, Marks of Maturity with this Sunday’s topic being Practicing Forgiveness.

The United Methodist Church had an article with these wonderful words of encouragement from a centenarian, 102-year old, Lucille Ellson, an Iowa native now living in Florida. “I’ve been through so many things, to cope with this virus and all that’s going on, I would tell people to not get stressed about planning far ahead. You can’t do it. A long time ago, I started making a list every morning of what I had to do. It was the only thing I could control, and I stuck to it, you hear me? … Do what you can in your own little spot that you’re in. Telephoning people, sending them cards, let them know you’re thinking of them. I think a lot of people need that.” You can read the article here, which was based on an interview with the Washington Post.

There is a hymn called Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore that is in the United Methodist Hymnal. I thought that it was not in Singing the Faith but I have just found it there at number 558 called Lord, You Have Come to the Seashore. The original hymn was written in Spanish by Cesareo Gabaraín and the two hymnbooks have different translators. The lyrics fit well with today’s service. You can listen to the version that I know here.

And while we are thinking about hymns, check out this meme (Worship Planning COVID19 Pandemic Edition)!

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)

I am keeping you in my prayers. May God’s peace be with you all,
In Christ
–Pastor Joan  

Rev. Joan Pell

Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and shared here for all to read.

Click here for previous Joan’s Jottings.