Joan’s Jottings for 23rd March

Dear Siblings in Christ,

Breathe. Just inhale deeply. Exhale the anxiety you are holding. Inhale again. We will get through this…together.

The Prime Minister has announced earlier this evening that people must stay at home except for shopping for basic necessities, daily exercise, any medical need and travelling to and from essential work. Shops selling non-essential goods are being told to shut and gatherings in public of more than two people who do not live together are to be prohibited.

While we need this physical distancing, it is important that we maintain our social connections. All of our members should be getting several calls a week from our church leaders or pastoral visitors. I will be working this week to make sure that folk do not fall through the net. As well as these formal calls, please informally call each other as much as you can. I will continue to send out almost-daily emails. In addition, there will be a ‘thought for the day’ posted daily on our new circuit website.  Monday’s was written by our circuit superintendent Rev. Derek Grimshaw.

The worship service that we recorded for Sunday has been viewed 109 times. Thank you to those of you who emailed to say that you found it helpful. I will be doing something similar next Sunday.  The sermon was the last in the Why? Series; if you missed any, or just want to listen to any of them again, the audio is available.

In addition you can watch the service that was livestreamed with Rev. Andrew Sankey from Capel St Mary – the recording is now on the circuit website.

Image contains the text of Philipipians 4:13 with a person climbing a mountain

Take heart this evening from one of my favourite Bible verses, Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Finally, I will leave you with a beautiful song called “Deep Peace” – you can listen to it here on YouTube, but you’ll need to skip over whatever advertisement plays before the song:.

I am keeping you in my prayers. May God’s peace be with you all,
In Christ
–Pastor Joan  

Rev. Joan Pell

Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and shared here for all to read.

Click here for other Joan’s Jottings.