Dear Siblings in Christ,
Today’s service is available online. Scripture is Matthew 16:13-20. This is the fourth in the five-week series living outside the box. We try to box God in, but God is always breaking out of the box and shattering our understandings of life in God’s kingdom. Today we will ponder Jesus’ question, ‘Who do you say that I am?’ The closer we seem to get to answering, the more Jesus seems to break out the box that we want to contain him in and show us some other perspective.
We are also worshipping in-person this morning at Chantry at 9.30 a.m. and Museum Street at 10.45 a.m. I am leading the Chantry service and Maggie Finbow is the local preacher at Museum Street. Please arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before the service and wear a face covering.
This afternoon, Landseer Road Methodist Church will be gathering in the church garden at 2 p.m. Bring your own refreshments. The toilets are now open!
Coffee by Zoom is meeting as usual on Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. and the Book Study by Zoom on Thursday morning at 10.30 a.m. to talk about Chapter 6 of Reni Eddo-Lodge’s book.
On the 4th August, a devastating explosion occurred at a warehouse in the Port of Beirut, causing widespread casualties and catastrophic damage to homes, hospitals, and other buildings throughout the area. Initial reports indicate more than 135 people were killed, and an additional 5,000 people were injured. Action is now being taken to find many more, who remain missing. It is estimated by the Lebanese Government that the explosion has left more than 300,000 people homeless. Hospitals have struggled to cope with the number of casualties, with many intensive care units already near capacity as the country struggles to deal with the impact of Coronavirus. All We Can, the Methodist relief and development agency, is working with a local partner in Lebanon to help provide support to those in greatest need. You can support the All We Can appeal by making a donation.
Here is a prayer by Richard Bott (43rd Moderator of the United Church of Canada) to use before putting on your face mask:
Creator, as I prepare to go into the world, help me to see the sacrament in the wearing of this cloth – let it be “an outward sign of an inward grace” – a tangible and visible way of living love for my neighbours, as I love myself.
Christ, since my lips will be covered, uncover my heart, that people would see my smile in the crinkles around my eyes. Since my voice may be muffled, help me to speak clearly, not only with my words, but with my actions.
Holy Spirit, As the elastic touches my ears, remind me to listen carefully – and full of care – to all those I meet. May this simple piece of cloth be shield and banner, and each breath that it holds, be filled with your love.
In your Name and in that love, I pray. May it be so. May it be so.
And your chuckle: [Cartoon by Kate Curtis]

Please dispose of your reusable masks by placing them in litter bin!
I am keeping you in my prayers. May God’s peace be with you all,
In Christ
–Pastor Joan
Joan’s Jottings are written to the churches at Museum Street, Landseer Road and Chantry where Joan is the minister, and shared here for all to read.