
Some of you know I like doing jigsaws, as probably many of you do.  I usually do Gibson’s jigsaws (there are other manufacturers!!) 4×500 pieces.  In fact, Ray usually gives me one for my birthday and another at Christmas.  The cupboard is getting full as I don’t like parting with them.

When I’ve completed them, I often sit back and marvel at the colours, the way the pieces are all shapes and sizes and yet fit together beautifully. 

We can relate this to us.  We are all shapes and sizes; all colours, and yet we fit together, and in the main get on with one another.

If only more people of race and religion would appreciate this perhaps there would be more peace across the world.  But this must start somewhere and that is with us.  Jesus said: Love one another as I have loved you.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, you have taught us to love one another, help us to do this with as many people of all shapes and sizes, race and religion we can, those people we agree with and those we disagree with.  We ask this in Jesus’s name.  Amen.