Psalm 104 v 24
“O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all.”
I love doing jigsaws and I’ve done and redone quite a few during this last year. I particularly like land and seascapes. When I start a puzzle, I sort the pieces into the outside ones and then into colours and then just a general mix of the remaining ones. I always start making up the puzzle by doing the outside pieces first. Then I go on to parts with a definite colour or picture e.g., a building or a flower. There are so many shades and tones of colours and different shapes and sizes. Sometimes I have to resort to trying many pieces before I get the correct one.
In life, there are many different shapes of people and many different skin tones, yet we need them all to complete the jigsaw of life.
Sometimes it’s difficult to find the right place and to fit together, but when we do and we are all joined together we complete a beautiful picture.
A picture that has been designed by God.