Jesus, Light of the World

Thought for the day – Monday 13th April 2020

In these unprecedented times….

This journey through Holy Week is a journey of discovery in a totally unfamiliar world – at least for most of us. Now we experience what those on the margins – those with severe disabilities or illness, the migrant, the refugee, the homeless, the poor, the jobless, the voiceless, the powerless, victims of violence, those with mental illness – all experience as their “normality”:  uncertainty, fear; lack of food, money; without access to basic necessities and for too many, healthcare, clean water and sanitation.

Jesus, Light of the World: Pierce the darkness of our world and understanding.

For many there is the added trauma of grieving the loss of loved ones while separated by ‘social distancing’, quarantine, or lockdown. Words are useless at times like this, but we meet the Christ within – in the still centre in each one of us whether we lay claim to faith or have none.

Jesus, Light of the World: Come in your loving compassion; pierce the darkness of our world and understanding.

We celebrate and give thanks for the kindness of so many rediscovering the joy of sharing and the joy of loving those who are our neighbours.

In Italy, the Rainbow in Every Street movement leaving food for those in need.  “If you don’t have food, please take.  If you have, please give.”

Two Nigerian software engineers fixing faulty ventilators for free at the University of Jos teaching hospital.

The gangland truce in Capetown, South Africa’s townships helping to provide food instead of killing each other and hurting the community in lethal turf wars.

We rejoice in the inventiveness of so many individuals and companies across the globe trying to solve the critical shortage of medical equipment and personal protective supplies.

Jesus, Light of the World: Heal our selfishness and help us reset our values where every one of us truly looks out for each other as one family under God.

You went through the evil of the hatred, injustice, cruelty and a degrading tortured death, to overcome evil once and for all. As we go through our own Good Friday experience during this pandemic, may we come out to the reality of new life for us all by choosing to follow you. Forgive us, Lord, for seeking to shield ourselves behind illusory masks which hide our true selves. You know us are we really are, and you love us with an everlasting love.

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Help us to travel the road to freedom to live in your Light and be open to the promptings of your Spirit. May we enfold and uphold each other to God’s Healing Light and Love – today and always.

Jesus, Light of the World: May we joyfully cry out, “Christ is risen. Come let us worship.”

Mike Cassidy