Jesus is the light…

Psalm 112 v 4.
Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous

A missionary in Peru went to visit a group of believers one evening. She knew that the house where they were meeting was located on a cliff and that the path would be treacherous. She took a taxi as far as it could go, and then she began the hazardous ascent to the house on foot. The night was dark and the way was very difficult. As she rounded a bend, she suddenly came upon several believers carrying bright lanterns. They had come out to light the way. Her fears were relieved and she ascended the path easily.

In a similar way, God lights our path. In the midst of sadness, trouble, illness or disappointment, the Lord brightens the way and encourages His children by giving hope.

Whatever the case, God sends light when we are engulfed in the darkness. Jesus gives light in the darkest night!

There are so many different sorts of light. At the minute the sun is shining on the sea and it is glistening. Our electric lights brighten up a room and candles give a soft glow but a smile from a stranger can brighten up our hearts.

I’m sure that many people were eagerly awaiting the “light at the end of the tunnel “of this pandemic.

Sometimes God puts us in the dark to show us that Jesus is the light.

May the light of God’s love shine on you.