A good friend, a Christian, had employed two men to undertake some repairs to her bungalow, and as she took the younger one a drink, something went wrong and he used those two words as an expletive. As she handed him the drink she just said, “I’d rather you didn’t talk about my friend like that”. The young man, somewhat bemused, asked what she meant. It didn’t take her long to explain the gospel message to him and he was amazed, as much as she was because he had never heard about Jesus!

I recall an older Christian who once told me that the first time he heard the name Jesus was when he was in a pub and a salvationist came in with copies of the War Cry. Asking what it was all about, the salvationist was able to tell him and, in that pub, that man became a Christian.

Brought up in a loving Christian family, I was walking to our church evening service with my older brother when he told me he had asked for baptism (by immersion). I suddenly realised that the messages I had heard about the Second Coming of Jesus meant that if that event occurred, I would be the only one in our family left behind. My younger brother had not been born then.

Today, as I read different Daily Prayer Guides, and Newsletters I am amazed at the different ways in which God reveals himself. To name but a few, through visions and dreams, a changed life, and recently a student interested in why his Muslim professor was so ant-Christian that he bought a Bible. After reading parts of it, he too committed his life to his Lord and Saviour – Jesus Christ.

Sadly, too many of our churches have more seats that are empty than occupied, but God is still working and it may be like my Christian friend, something you say may be used by God for the spiritual benefit of someone else.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, if you lead me to some soul today, please teach me, Lord, just what to say. AMEN