“Jesus appears to His disciples”

Thought for the day – Thursday 26th March 2020

Bible reading – John 20:19 

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders “Corona Virus”, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

I have just returned from a course on Pioneer Ministry, at Cliff College in Derbyshire. There was a group of four from the Ipswich Circuit, Sue France (Capel St Mary), Rachael Wainwright (Chelmondiston & Holbrook), Rev Diane Smith and myself, (Circuit Steward & Elmsett).

We arrived on Monday 16th March and apart from no handshakes and lots of handwashing all appeared normal. Unfortunately as the days went on there were more and more restrictions, however we managed to complete the course, albeit in a condensed form, with little time for reflection.

Each morning we had a simple time of prayer for 15mins, (seats strictly 2m apart), and on the Tuesday morning, Ian White, (the course leader) used this verse from John’s gospel.

The words needed no explanation, and spoke clearly to each one of us. We were all away from home and loved ones, away from our churches and communities, and understandably feeling increasingly anxious.

At this uncertain and slightly scary time, perhaps we can just sit in the presence of God, hold out our hands to him, and receive that peace that only He can give.

May God bless you, keep you safe, and grant you peace.