
“Pray at all times without ceasing in the power of the Holy Spirit.”  Ephesians 6:18

When we intercede in prayer we stand before God on behalf of someone or some situation and ask our Father  through the power of Holy Spirit to come  to our help.  This may mean asking several short prayers at one time – very common during the intercessions prayers of our weekly services.  It may mean that we feel called to concentrate on one person or one situation; to prayer very specifically and to keep on asking for that one thing until we feel sure we have done enough and now, in faith, we leave the matter in God’s hands.  We have done what God needed us to do – we have been obedient to His call.

Sometimes as we listen to God we have a specific witness of exactly what to pray;  sometimes we are less sure and feel  led to pray in faith “your kingdom come, your will be done…”  It is important we pray in God’s will, not necessarily just for what we want.  We don’t always know what’s the right  or the best outcome.  This where we need to trust in God and His wisdom. 

Some years ago now Arthur Wallis wrote what is still an important book about intercession called “Pray in the Spirit”.  It’s a book which still challenges and inspires.  But one thing I learned from this book is the importance of intercession, of constant and consistent prayer from the Church of Christ to the Father, through the Spirit and in the name of the Son.  In this prayer we truly see the Army of God at work in the world and battling against evil.  And it’s a ministry for all. 

Over the years so many lovely Christian people have shared with me their sadness at not being able to physically do what they used to do for others in and outside the Church.  And to so many people I’ve spoken about how God has a ministry for everyone in His Family, whatever their age, strength or frailty.  As we grow older and physically less strong there is one gift we’re often given – time.  And time is one thing needed for a ministry of intercession.  So a word of challenge and hope to end – no one is useless in God’s Family.  Don’t bemoan what used to be – God is waiting for our prayers now.  Are you prepared to give the time and to accept the challenge to be an intercessor?

Prayer:  Open our hearts to the needs of our world, the world that you created and that you love.  Open our hearts to the needs of those people who don’t know you yet, but whom you still love and yearn to bring back to your Kingdom.  Open our hearts to the needs of your Church so that we may support each other in love.  Give us the will and the determination to pray without ceasing as You would have us pray.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.