
I have not forgotten the phrase that I first heard at school, ‘don’t do what I do – do what I tell you’. The implication of that is that it is possible to steer people one way while actually travelling another way. Those who try to operate like that underestimate the effect of lives lived and over estimate the potential of words spoken.

Walking along a passage and seeing a hole in the floor, the safe route may be around the hole but once people start stepping over it, doing so becomes the established norm and soon the majority do it.

In the Old Testament God gave many messages and warnings that went unheeded by his people – or they were listened to for a while and then custom and practice was to revert to former, sinful ways.

So God came among us to set an example instead. Jesus showed us how to live so we did not merely have to do as we were told. As we make our way towards Christmas and the great celebration of the birth of God Incarnate, the Word made flesh, it does us no harm to stop and remind ourselves that following him through life does not have to be as complicated as we sometimes make it out to be.

I hope that does not seem to be too much of a simplification of a phenomenal truth.

A prayer

Lord, so many people tell me what to do, give me advice, put warnings in my way but you offer to lead me by the hand to keep me safe. Help me get ready for the celebration of the miracle of your birth by remembering the wonder of your gracious presence beside me.

May your peace be with me.
