
Like many people I had a period in my life where things were not going well and for a few years I went through a time of suffering from insomnia. This meant that I was awake every morning from about 3 / 4 am and could not get back to sleep.

I got to the point where I gave up lying in bed, tossing and turning, and started to get up and go out for a walk in the early hours which became my daily prayer time. It was lovely to be outside in the peace and quiet sharing the time with God preparing me to get through the day ahead.

In that time, I discovered how beautiful the sunrise could be. I got to the point where I would look out to see what kind of cloud formations where in the sky and if was looking hopeful, I would take my camera with me to try and capture the beauty of the early morning.

The picture with this Thought is not my favourite, but it is the first one of many that I took during this time. I love the comment that I heard one day – “God is painting these pictures in the sky and you’re capturing them to share with others”  I could never paint them but being a keen photographer has allowed me to preserve some of these wonderful images that God gives us every day.

It seems fitting to finish with these words from Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.