
We have developed a saying in our family over recent months when a car suddenly turns off without indicating “O, I see he/she didn’t opt for the indicator package”  I find it quite frustrating when I sit patiently at a roundabout waiting for a car approaching from my right, only to discover that they are turning into the very road, I am pulling out of.  I have noticed that some higher value cars have some really trendy sequential lights that don’t simply flash in the direction of travel but build up in a groovy way and are almost entertaining to other road users, so it seems a pity not to make the most of them and impress the rest of us mere mortals with boring cars.  The other thing I have noticed of late is that some drivers either turn their indicators on as they turn their steering wheel, or drive for miles with the indicators flashing. Arrrgh!!!!  I am now officially a grumpy old man!

As I write this Thought for the day on Tuesday 15th June, the day after the Prime Minister announced that all government restrictions will not be lifted on the 21st June.  There are deep concerns, particulalry in the hospitality sector and with social distancing rules still in place, businesses are functioning at a lower level, which makes them less viable.  I keep getting asked questions like “when will be allowed to sing hymns in Church again?” and the answer is “I don’t know” and I find that as frustrating as the questioner does.  As human beings we like to know our direction of travel, it gives us a feeling of assurance, it helps us to make informed decisions and step out with confidence.

I drove to the hospital a couple of weeks ago and as I approahed a roundabout a car coming towards me, looked as if it was going straight across onto the road I was about to leave, at the last moment, I suddenly lost confidence, the car appeared to slow a little and at the last moment, without indication, the driver spun at speed right into my path and shot off up the road to my left.  I felt a huge wave of relief, because if I hadn’t had second thoughts, I could have been involved in a collision and could well have carried the blame, as I had pulled out.  Two roundabouts further along the same road, I sat waiting for my oportnity to go, a car came round indicating left and again, I was just about ready to go for it, when I suddenly had a moment of doubt and the driver went around to the next exit after mine.  My blood pressure was sky high when I arrived at the hospital, I wonder why.

Maybe we should change the name of “Thought for the Day” and on a Sunday when I write, it should perhaps be “Rant of the Week” but this is important, if we all go about our lives, seeking to help others as and when we can, helping others in their direction of travel, then maybe we can all make better and more informed decisions.  I believe that The Bible gives me indication of how to live my life, I read the stories of Jesus and find they give me direction and I learn so much from the people I am privileged to be working with.  These are challenging time, let us do our best to go in the right direction.