Thought of the day – Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Hello Everyone, the Thought for the Day is from 2 Corinthians 9 v 15.
“It has been said that one of the Roman emperor gave an expensive present to a friend. But when the ruler offered the gift the friend said, “This is too much for me to receive.” The emperor replied, “But it is not too much for me to give.”
When we think about all our sinfulness and rebellion, God’s “indescribable gift (2 Cor. 9 v 15) of forgiveness through Jesus Christ seems too much for us poor sinners to receive. God is so rich in mercy, though, that it is not too much for Him to give. Who can estimate the preciousness of God’s gift of salvation through His Son the Lord Jesus? All we can do now and throughout eternity is to fall down in adoration before the Lord, praising Him for a salvation so wondrous and so free! Praise is the language of a heart set free.
I miss the singing together in church. It just doesn’t feel the same joining in online or watching Songs of Praise. I know that it will be quite a while before we can join together in giving praise and thanks to God in our church. I know that it is for our own good and the health and safety of others that we can’t do these things. I know that God doesn’t need us to be together physically as He knows what is in our minds. I know how difficult it has been for some to cope with lockdown and now with the easing of restrictions I know it will be a frightening time for some to slowly start going outside for a little while.
I know these things and believe them but it can be tough. I’m very blessed as throughout these last 10 weeks I have been out for a walk every day. Let’s give thanks for our wonderful Lord and pray that the situation will continue to improve. Also pray for all the children that are now returning to school, that they will be safe and that their parents and teachers will cope with the new way of schooling.
God bless, Anna.