If the cap fits

Most of us will have had the experience of being thoroughly uncomfortable when reading or listening to something that seems aimed directly at us. The old idiom, ‘if the cap fits, wear it’ means that if something feels true then take it in good part together with what follows.

This verse from Jude is direct, and whilst I hope the cap does not fit too well, I am sure that for most of us there are moments we would prefer to forget when it could have been made to measure.

Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error; they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion.

1, Cain, according to Jewish tradition, was the archetypal sinner and the instructor of others in sin;

2, Baalam is associated with greed and had a reputation for leading others into sin;

3, Korah, together with Dathan and Abiram led a rebellion against the authority of Moses and Aaron.

The common factor is the leading of others. We are called to share Good News, to encourage repentance and the hopeful message of starting again. It is not good to have to reflect on the less favourable parts of our lives, but how much worse to be reputed to lead other people astray.

Self-righteous people love to point out other people’s weaknesses. Gossips talk together about the iniquities of others…gently leading thought. It is easily done.

Lord, when I read your word, I sometimes feel quite uncomfortable. It is not that I commit the big sins you talk about, but lots of little ones stack up and before I know what I am doing I am taking others with me on my journey. Help me recognise what I am doing and stop it, for your love’s sake. Amen.