How should we then live ?

How should we then live ? By Dr Francis A Schaeffer  dvd (2 discs) 1977  with Study Guide
£31 from Amazon   Can be seen on You Tube

In 10 programmes Dr Schaeffer covers the rise and decline of western thought and culture, the movement  and development of thought and ideas from Roman times to the present, measured always against the background of the existence of God and his Biblical revelation.

The programmes are – 

1.   The Roman Age
2.   The Middle Age
3.   The Renaissance
4.   The Reformation
5.   The Revolutionary Age
6.   The Scientific Age
7.   The Age of Non-Reason
8.   The Age of Fragmentation
9.   The Age of Personal Peace and Affluence
10.   Final Choices

There are 2 bonus features – interviews with Dr Schaeffer and his wife, Edith –

Living with Suffering and Sickness
God’s Leading in L’Abri and our Lives

In his own quite distinctive style, Francis Schaeffer, a remarkable philosopher and theologian, succeeds in analysing in some detail and with profuse illustrations from the arts – painting, sculpture, music, literature, poetry – describing each historical period in its cultural norms set against the Biblical revelation of God and his relation to the world of human kind.

This is a superb production with deep apologetic significance for our own time.

Well worth the 6 hours of viewing.