How can we sing a new song ?

Thought for the day – Monday 3rd August 2020

This Thought for the day is based on a Liturgy written by Revd Michaela Youngson, past President of Conference and Chair of the London District. (It can be found on the back of the opening letter of this Summer Connexion magazine.)

The photo accompanying the liturgy is “Rainbow glass” by Revd Rachel Parkinson, Chair of Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District.

“We thought we knew how the world was meant to be. Day followed night, every week had a Sunday and that was the day for church.

We thought we knew how the world was meant to be. We made plans, held our meetings, kept the roof on the church and the show on the road.

We thought we knew how the world was meant to be. We would see colleagues, friends and loved ones again, and we would embrace, laugh and share stories as we always have.

And now, we know something new. We know the world is not ours to control, and that our plans are confounded by the smallest microbe.

And now, we know something new. We know that church is not committees, agendas and buildings. It is us, in homes, streets and hospitals throughout the world.

And now, we know something new. We only have today with those we love, today is the day to say “I love you”, to mend an argument, to hold on tight.


As we open our churches, let us be ready to “sing a new song”, not just on a Sunday in church, but also in the words we say as we chat at the local shop, as we meet again with our extended families, as we continue to pray for those affected by Covid-19 as patients, as relatives, as nursing and medical staff, or as carers in residential homes.