
For my breakfast about three or four times a week I have honey on my toast. I prefer the soft honey and it must be, for me, local Suffolk Honey. I love it.  However, it is twofold as I suffer from hay fever from grasses in the summer.  It doesn’t work for everyone, but I find it helps my immunity and the hay fever is not so bad. 

Honey was one of the favourites among Jewish foods, it was used as a medicine for sore throats; on an open wood; and as a sweetener and used in cakes or rich pastries.  In Exodus 3:8 we read that Israel was described as “a land flowing with milk and honey”.  John the Baptist used honey as well as locusts to stave off hunger (Matthew 3:4).  One way to make locusts taste better I should think.  Jesus probably ate honey too as it was so plentiful and sweetened many foods. 

When you next have a sore throat and suck lozenges or drink some honey and lemon remember that honey was being used back in Jesus’ time.   We often think things are new but there is saying that “there is nothing new under the Sun”.  if we go back in time this is so often the truth.

So, enjoy your Suffolk Honey it not only does you good but tastes good too.