Holiday thoughts

I’m sure that at some point over the summer months most of us will spend some time by the sea.  Even if we can’t physically get there, we will see films or postcards that will evoke memories of being on a beach.

The wild and tempestuous waves remind us of the awesome power of our God. They can be fierce and seem uncontrollable. The joy of dipping our toes in the water and looking out to eternity and endless horizons. The childhood wonder of feeling the waves lap over our feet and the mystery of regular tides and seasons. Everything put there by God to maintain order and rhythm.

Collecting small treasures of shells and sea glass, jumping over the waves as they break on the shore, realising our smallness in the great scheme of things: Minimising our troubles as we face the magnitude of creation.

When we are tossed by the stormy waves of life, God is our security – our safe harbour, our shelter and refuge. We desire the contentment of the seal, the playfulness of the otter, the quirkiness of the puffin and the purpose of the curlew, the steadfastness of the barnacle, the friendliness of the dolphin and the gentleness of the whale.

Jesus calmed the storm, He walked on the water, He knew how to catch fish when his seasoned fishermen friends couldn’t. We read of him making breakfast on the beach and calling his disciples as they mended their nets.

In the problems and disasters caused by oceans or in the calm of a balmy beach day, Jesus is there and is in control.

A prayer:

O Man of Galilee, who walked on the shore in the first light of day when all seemed lost and gone, appear on the edge of the horizon for all who feel washed up, their brokenness like flotsam and jetsam after the wreckage, those floating like driftwood brought on the surf, those who cannot get back on course. Strengthen us with the might of waves, ground us in You like ancient rocks, connect us with Your Spirit like wind ruffling our hair. Stay with us as reliably as the tide goes in and out. May Your Spirit blow us gently along the waves of our life’s journey, until we land on the beach of Glory, Amen