Help Grandma 2:

By the time you read this, my youngest granddaughter will have had her second birthday, but in September her elder sister celebrated her own birthday. As Grandmas do, when I gave her a present of Disney Lego, the little one had a small set of Duplo bath time Lego to unwrap.

They had just returned from a holiday in Tenerife and there she was – brown as a berry and pretty as a picture in a pale blue sundress squealing with delight as she studied and shook the box of pieces. Once constructed, the toy could be used to funnel and filter water for bath play. She unstuck the packaging and the pieces fell out onto the floor. Her brown eyes met mine. “Help Grandma?” she whispered.

It didn’t take long – there were only four or five pieces – manageable for even me with my limited Lego making skills – unlike the complicated and intricate Disney Lego technology that was going on at the other end of the room supervised by my son. Then it was done and could be used for its purpose.

Even a two-year-old knows when they’re out of depth and need help. When something’s broken, they’re not shy when it comes to asking for help to fix it.

What about us grown -ups? If there are parts of your life that seem broken and even unfixable, call for help to One who knows and cares and can fix anything. God is only too happy to take Your burdens and cares – He respects You so much that He will probably find a way out for you that maintains your independence and self-dignity – not always an instantaneous miraculous fix. Even if the answer isn’t immediate, he will be alongside supporting you in your wait as He guides you to a solution, just as a parent (or grandparent) might use the problem as a means to instruct and teach.

It maybe that what’s broken and needs fixing is your very self. Maybe there are bad memories or experiences that need to be dealt with or unforgiven sins that are blocking the way to a relationship with God. There is nothing that is too big for God to mend – all you need to do is call for help -He is waiting with anticipation for you to do just that and will never refuse you. Then once you are fixed, you too can be used for what you were made for – to glorify Him and grow His Kingdom.

Psalm 116:1-2 “I love the Lord because He hears me; He listens to my prayers. He listens to me every time I call on Him.