Heaven – latest travel information

Accommodation –

Arrangements for 1st class accommodation have been made in advance. 

John 14 v 2


Persons seeking entry will not be permitted past the gates without having proper credentials and having their names registered with the ruling authority.  Rev. 21 v 27


Your ticket is a written pledge that guarantees your journey.  It should be claimed and its promises kept firmly in mind.

John 5 v 24.


Only one declaration required when going through customs,

1 Cor 15 v 1, 3 & 4.


All passengers are classified as immigrants since they are taking up permanent residence in a new country.  The quota is unlimited.  Heb 11 v 16


No luggage whatsoever can be taken.  1 Tim 6 v 7

Air Passage

Travellers going direct by air are advised to watch daily for indications of imminent departure.  1 Thess 4 v 17

Vaccination – Innoculations

Injections are not needed as diseases are unknown at the destination.  Rev 21 v 4

Departure times

The exact date has not been announced.  Travellers are advised to be prepared to leave at short notice.  Acts 1 v 7