Having a positive body image – dance!

Bible reading : Romans 12:1-21

V1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”

Is God really only interested in our spiritual lives?  We’re not divided into a physical part and a spiritual part – we are one whole package because God created the whole of each person.  Paul actually says here that offering our human, physical bodies to God is spiritual worship – it’s not just the ‘spiritual part’ of us that engages in worship.

During this pandemic, we’re missing being able to sing in church and I’m missing singing with my choir.  We’ve met on Zoom as a choir and we sing a song together, but we can’t hear one another, so we’re missing out on the wonderful sound we make when we sing together in harmony.  It’s similar when we join an on-line service, we’re singing on our own.  In church, we’re not allowed to sing, and that’s probably one of the things that people miss the most.

We recognise singing as an important part of the worship, but what about the rest of our bodies?  Do we move them in worship?  I challenge you to try it today and find out how liberating it is.  While you’re worshipping at home and singing along with a worship song, get onto your feet, if you are able to, and try moving the rest of your body! 

Nobody, except God, can see you – and really isn’t that the whole point?