Hampers of hope

Alongside this reflection is a picture of one of our Hampers of Hope. These Hampers will be delivered over the next couple weeks to some Nursing Homes in the Felixstowe Mission Area of the Ipswich Circuit and also to anyone who requests one for themselves or requests one on behalf of a neighbour who might benefit from the gift. The Hampers contain special Christmas Prayer booklets, a Christian Calendar for 2021 and some chocolate treats.

All across the Ipswich Circuit different Churches are reaching out to their local communities in caring and imaginative ways. The abovementioned, is just one of many outreach activities.

As we draw closer to Christmas and this year’s celebration of the greatest gift of all, Jesus, we ask God’s blessing upon all our outreach work throughout the Circuit.

A Prayer.

Loving Lord Jesus, born to us as a baby amongst us, bringing hope and joy.

Bless, we pray, all our Circuit outreach programmes.

Help to share the real meaning of Christmas, the good news of your coming amongst us.
