Great shot!

The annual golf outing from a church provided a good time of fun and laughter. Slices, hooks and complete misses provided groans and embarrassment. But whenever someone made a long drive, even the men who usually said very little responded to their partner’s success by saying, “Good shot!”

One man kept telling his partner, “Great! Great shot!” Words of praise flowed freely during the whole time, some in loud exclamations, others quietly spoken. But every man knew what it was like to encourage another and to receive praise for an accurate drive or a long putt.

The psalmist gave many reasons to praise the Creator and Provider of all the blessings of life. He mentioned God’s great works (Ps. 111 v 2), His righteousness (v 3), grace and compassion (v 4), faithfulness (v 8), and redemption (v 9).

If we can compliment a good golf shot or other small accomplishment, shouldn’t we compliment God for His great goodness?”

It’s so easy to encourage someone, whether it’s a young child taking his or her first step or a drawing which has been worked on with concentration even though it may not be clear what it is actually of. At the minute lots of teenagers are getting “well done” on their exam results.

Encouragement is so important, no matter what age you are. Psalm 138 v. 3 says that, “As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.” I miss being able to sing in praise of Our Lord and look forward to being able to do so again. In the meantime, let’s not forget to encourage others and remember that we can never praise God enough for all His encouragement.