Grass seed

We have recently had some landscaping work done at home to try and flatten out our lawn. What I thought might be a guy with a spade and a rake, turned into 2 guys, a digger, a dumper truck and a small tractor and roller. (I think they were big boys playing with big Tonka toys!) The resultant “lawn” was as flat as a pancake, but resembled more a muddy field with grass seed on top, tempting the local crow population.

My task after all their digging, scraping, rolling and sowing was to water the field.

July (end of) is probably not the most sensible time for trying to sow a large area of grass seed!

However, the day after the guys left, having set up some impressive sprinklers, the heavens opened and we had some very welcome rain, and the forecast looked set to rain for the following 10 days or so.

The lectionary readings at the end of July were the Parable of the Sower, and then the following week the Parable of the weeds.

I’m hoping that the soil that my grass seed has been sown on is good soil, (it should be – all 3 truck loads of it!) I’m also hoping that the crows will be more interested in the leftovers from the harvest in the surrounding fields, than my grass seed.

As it rained on St Swithin’s day, I’m also trusting in God to provide the rain, with a back up sprinkler plan for the dry days.

Prayer: Thank you God that you give us good soil, you provide us with healthy seed and you send the rain to help us grow. Help us to play our part, to be that good soil that helps the seeds that you sow to grow. Thank you that you do not leave us unattended, but send sunshine and showers each at the right time. May we grow into healthy grass, displaying your beauty in all we do. AMEN