Good Friends

This passage from The Friendship Book made me think about how blessed I am to have good friends.

“The stones in the dry-stone dyke seemed to have been fitted together any old way until it got to the top-most row. The capping stones were all thin, upright and jammed together.

At some point, something had happened. Stones had been knocked out of the wall, leaving a gap big enough to stick your head through.

Now, for a foot or two in the length of the wall, the capping stones had nothing holding them up. But they were too tightly fitted together to fall!

Gazing at this, I understood. That’s what it’s like to be surrounded by friends. The very ground might drop away from under your feet, but they won’t let you fall.”

Lord, thank you for giving us good friends. Friends to share our joy and sadness. Friends who may just be quietly in the background but who are always there when we need them. Friends who have been on life’s journey with us however long or short. Friends to hold us up in times of trial and worry. May we be good friends to others. Thank you, Father.
