Going round the bend

Thought for the day on 2 wheels!
(This series of Thoughts for the Day were inspired whilst taking a week’s break in Eastbourne with my friend Rev Rach Ward, a Minister in the Leeds South and West Circuit, previously a Local Preacher in the Ipswich Circuit)

1. Going round the bend

On our first morning in Eastbourne, we set off early, the sun sparkling on the turquoise sea. It was an easy ride along the Promenade, until we reached the Z bends! The destination was Beachy Head, and there was a footpath straight ahead and straight up the hill. Neither of us had “off road” bikes and so we took deep breaths and turned right up the road following the Z bends along the way. Surprisingly, it was not as difficult as we had imagined.

Although the road was longer in distance and the overall gradient was the same as the footpath, the Z bends in fact made the journey less difficult.

Is our faith sometimes like travelling along the Z bends? We might think everything is going fine, then we are suddenly faced with what looks like an insurmountable climb. However if we follow the signs, and take it steadily, bit by bit, even though the journey may appear to be longer, we will reach the top. And what a view we are blessed with! Rather than attempting a “short sharp” climb in our faith, we can travel taking each section of the “road”  of worship, prayer, study steadily, reaching the top with breath and energy to spare.

The last 18 months has been very much like this, but God has made the road easier to travel, taking one bit before we tackle the next. As we gather together again, let us savour the view that the Creator God spreads out in front of us.

Prayer: Father God, help us not to be afraid when the way ahead seems impossible. You have a way of helping us climb the steepest hill, and you always reward us with your spectacular Creation. AMEN