God’s signature : the wonders of the Hebrew Scriptures by Steve Maltz
Terra Nova Publications, 2012 164 pages £9.99 ISBN 978 0 957 047 303

Steve Maltz is a Messianic Jew, ie he recognises Jesus Christ and acknowledges him as Messiah, Saviour and Lord.
Steve is a passionate advocate for the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God and, in this case, pays close attention to the Tenach as the Jews know it or the Old Testament as more familiarly known to Christians.
As a completed Jew, Steve would have been brought up to be saturated with the Hebrew text of the Tenach (he would have learned much of it by heart) and is really conversant with the finer shades of meaning of the original language, whether the Masoretic text (which indicates the vowels), the Septuagint (not always reliable as a translation form Hebrew into Greek) and the helpful, confirming texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Even if you not being familiar with Hebrew, this book is well worth reading for the insights it brings on many passages in the Old Testament. The Hebrew script can be easily skipped.
The enthusiasm of the writer for God’s revealed truth carries you along.