God’s love is free

Everywhere you turn today you see advertising. Billboards shout and T-shirts tout their messages. Radio spots, TV commercials and newspaper ads make urgent pitches.

Of course, we know that the goods and services being advertised carry  a price tag. We have to pay for what is being offered. No one expects to get something for nothing.

There is, however, one huge exception. When God decided to offer something as amazing as eternal life. He chose to pay the price Himself in Christ. Each year people respond to ads and spend millions of pounds on soft drinks, cars, pizza and carpet. But the best offer ever made carries no price tag. It is not for sale.  

For the last 4 Tuesdays we have been giving away free bags of food at Trinity. We have our table outside the church and obeying the rules for social distancing and wearing masks we have been encouraging those who need a bit of help to take a bag. It’s interesting how differently people react. Some people rush past and try not to look at us, just in case we might want them to do something (I’m guessing about that) , and others stop for a chat. Some assure us that they are okay and that they don’t need anything. Others are extremely grateful for the help. Some ask us, “How much is the bag?”  Some people are suspicious as they don’t expect to get anything for free.

Sometimes the chat with a person is more important than the actual food.

Give thanks that God’s love and salvation is free because Christ paid the infinite price.

God bless, Anna