God sees

It’s easy to get discouraged when church congregations seem to be dwindling and statistics show that people seem to have little interest in the things of God.

God is watching

Recently I read this story of a band of travelling musicians and actors who were performing from town to town. Times were hard, audiences were small and they were hardly covering their expenses. The group met to discuss what they should do.  One said,” There is no point us performing tonight. It’s snowing – no-one will venture out of their homes. The audience will be even smaller than last night!” Another agreed,” It will cost us more to put on the show, than we will make. We will be working at a loss.”  However, the leader acknowledged their despondency but insisted that they had a responsibility to fulfil their obligation. “We will go on,” he vowed,” and we will do the best job we can. It’s not the fault of those who do attend that others do not. They should not have to make do with less than our best.”

Encouraged by his words, the troupe gave their best ever performance. After the show, the leader called his performers to him. He was holding a note given to him by an audience member as he left.  He read it out slowly,” Thank you for a beautiful performance.” It was signed, “Your King”.

Everything we do is seen and heard by the King of Kings.

Psalm 11:4b “The Lord watches people everywhere and knows what they are doing.”