God of wonders – DVD review

God of Wonders   dvd  Eternal Productions, 2008  84 mins.  £12

Available from Amazon and Eden Bookshop, Cambridge

Watching this film is worth it for the beautiful photography alone but the American producers do use the opportunity to preach the gospel. Critics and committed unbelievers might find the interspersed commentary superfluous, spoiling enjoyment of the magnificent photography.

Moving from the God of Power to the God of Wisdom, then the God of Justice and ending with the God of Love, the film proceeds with effortless ease with stunning photography and comments from  scientists, each expert in his own field. Each section delves into different aspects of the wonders of God’s creation with photography which is simply breathtaking. The sequences on snow crystals and humming birds were especially appealing to me, although one is spoilt for choice in this amazing production.

Quotes from the Bible, the Old Testament in particular, are used to reinforce the message of how the works of creation shows all the signs of being the handiwork of an intelligent designer.

This is, without doubt, a marvelous production. An unbeliever would have to be impressed with the wonders of creation as depicted in this film, even if he/she continued to doubt the existence of a divine creator.