God is always with us

Luke 2:20. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising GodĀ for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

In a delightful sermon titled, “When the Angels Were Gone,” G.L.Chappell emphasizes that when the angels announced the good news to the shepherds the men took action. They went to Bethlehem to see the Christ-child for themselves.

Chappell then sets up a hypothetical situation in which the shepherds respond differently. They simply sit around discussing the brightness of the angelic appearance and the wonder of the message.

Some 40 years later, one of the shepherds tells his young grandson about that eventful night. The youngster asks, “But Granddaddy, was what theĀ angels said really true?” The shepherd continues telling him what he had heard about Jesus, even the reports of His resurrection. But when the lad keeps asking, all the elderly shepherd can do is shake his head and say, “I don’t really know. I never went to see.”

Many people are like that shepherd. They have heard about Jesus but they never come to Him.”

Do you put off doing things until later and then find that there are many “laters?” (My spell check is telling me that there is no such word). I know I do. I wonder what I would have done if I had been one of the shepherds? Would I have just marvelled at the sight or would I have gone to see for myself?

It’s never too late to look to the Light. God is always with us.