An America’s Cup yacht has a crew of 16 people, including the navigator, the helmsman and the mast men. But the boat could not compete without the relentless work of the five “grinders”—-the men who turn the heavy cranks that control the sails.
In a USA Today article, a grinder described his role this way; “A grinder at the America’s Cup level is similar to a tight end in football. We need strength to provide the physical energy to power the boat around the race course. Essentially, our job is to turn the handles to raise and lower the sails and jibe/tack the sails from one side of the boat to the other.”
In the work of Christ, many jobs get noticed. Some have to do with determining strategy, others with steering the course. But unless there are a lot of grinders–those men and women who are willing to work faithfully at the unglamourous roles—His work cannot go forward. So, if you are a grinder, keep at it! Your faithfulness is far more important than you realise. Our Captain is depending on you!
Recently there was a report about the woman from this area who was competing in the solo round the world yacht race. Her rudder was broken and for a while she thought that was the end of her race. But she didn’t give up and managed to fix it on her own. Watching her fighting to carry out repairs in huge seas was to me, terrifying. She was doing all the work on her own.
Very few people, if any, can carry out all the work of the church on their own. We need everyone to play a part and that is what you are all doing.
Little things, done with God’s love in mind, can add up to big things. The world crowns success but God crowns faithfulness.