
A Happy Christmas.

In a recent Thought Christine O’Neill reminded us of the words of the Gloria. An ancient and beautiful hymn of praise to the glory of God.

I wonder what the Shepherds really saw in the night sky when Jesus was born? It may have been indescribable but it was summarised as the ‘Glory of the Lord.’

What attracted your attention yesterday? Somewhere amid your day did you catch sight of the glory of God? Were you too busy, too lonely, too excited or to poorly to see much beyond your moments? Did you look for moments to spend with God or did everything else crowd in to make the thought disappear?

Today the Church remembers Saint Stephen, the first Christian Martyr. This is not as incongruous as it seems for the Glory of God features in the moment that sees Stephen drawn into heaven: ‘Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. ‘Look,’ he said, ‘I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God’.’ [Acts 7:51-60].

It may be that your Christmas was spent mourning a close loss or watching with someone dear to you in their last hours. Have you ever had a vision or a dream of Glory to give you confidence in someone else’s eternal safety? I have… it changed forever my view of death but it also put a different spin on what really makes Christmas special.

A prayer

God of Glory, help me look up from the busyness, pressure and noise of the world to see the gaps in the clouds and the sun of your glorious presence. Thank you for all the joys of living that surround me that are enhanced by a glimpse of your glory. I pray for those who are poorly, anxious, hungry or lonely today. I pray for those who sit with someone in their last hours today. I pray for those bereaved today. God who is there for us all, be real for us all. Amen.