Ginger Nuts

As you are probably already aware, for health reasons, I’ve been put on a low carb diet. This means that I am getting obsessed with all things edible – especially food that I’m forbidden. So, I was interested to read recently that Britons have an average of 24 biscuit related arguments a year according to research by McVitie’s. One of the triggers for such arguments is putting Ginger Nuts loose in the biscuit tin, making all the other biscuits taste of ginger!

I didn’t know that was a thing. I don’t know how much ginger is in one biscuit – not much. And yet it can affect other biscuits in the tin, overwhelming whatever flavours might be integral to them – part of their very essence. That just seems amazing!  The power and influence of a few grains of ginger – reminds me of Jesus’ parable about the mustard seed being the smallest among seeds and yet it’s able, when fully grown, to provide shelter. Or the effect of yeast on dough.

One solitary Ginger Nut biscuit doesn’t have to do anything to have an effect. It just has to be there and because of what’s inside, others are affected. With God’s Spirit as part of our inner being, I pray that we might affect and influence those who come into contact with us.

(Needless to say, any Ginger Nut in my biscuit tin wouldn’t be there long enough to have any effect on another biscuit!)

Matthew 13: 33 ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.’


Heavenly Father,
Fill me with Your Spirit so that He becomes an integral part of my being.
Then others who approach me, will feel His presence and know You.