‘Gator Aid’

The Thought for the Day is from Psalm 119 v 71.

It was good for me to be afflicted

 so that I might learn your decrees

Have you heard about the “gator aid” that was given to enlisted men in a Florida training camp during World War 2? The daily training for those GIs included a run through an obstacle course. On the final stretch of the endurance test, they had to grab a rope and swing across a broad, shallow pool.

Under the blazing sun the water looked so inviting to the men that most of them developed a habit of making it only halfway across the pond——-that is until an enterprising lieutenant made it the home for a large alligator. From that day on, the recruits left the ground 15 feet from the water’s edge and fell sprawling in the dust on the other side.

Likewise, our behaviour as Christians must sometimes be shaped by the “encouragement” of unfavourable circumstances. Without God’s loving correction and faithful discipline, we would never develop spiritual strength and endurance.

When I was in my twenties, so a long time ago, I helped with a youth club in my hometown. There was a large army barracks there and we were allowed, at times, to use some of their premises. One of the things we did with the teenagers was the obstacle course, under the supervision of the army training officer. I found it quite tough as at times I couldn’t reach some of the ropes etc. Thankfully there was no “gator aid” to encourage me to get over the water or I would have been in trouble. But we did have an officer who encouraged everyone to do their best. Even when we fell off, he was there to shout at us to get back up and try again.

Our Lord is always there encouraging us, especially in times of trouble, to try again and to rely on Him. Life’s challenges are designed not to break us but to bend us toward God.

Let’s pray for all those who are facing severe challenges at the moment, especially the people of Ukraine.