
For too many years in our marriage, I thought of gardening as a necessary evil to be undertaken as quickly as possible so we could go out and enjoy ourselves. Because of my limited knowledge, I was safe to look after the grass area especially as I once proudly announced I had removed a bramble from next door only to discover that it was actually a raspberry bush that was a present to my wife from her mother. 

As the months progressed, I was entrusted with watering the tomatoes and it was on one occasion that as I was doing so, I heard something moving behind me.  I turned to see a frog moving between the plants.  Now, at the risk of offending some, at the time I thought frogs were ugly, yet I found myself talking to it telling it not to be afraid of me and in a desperate attempt to prove my friendliness I sprinkled some water over it.  Needless to say, it did not respond, and I reflected that if only I could “speak frog” I would reassure the creature of my concern for its welfare.

At the same time, I began to appreciate the gift of God when Jesus came into the world as a human being, to people like me who appeared “ugly” and spoke to us in a way that we could understand.  If that was not enough; through his virgin birth, sinless life, sin atoning death and resurrection it is now possible for us not only to understand what God is saying but enter into a relationship with Him that makes eternal life available from the moment we believe and have the promise that we will be transformed from our “human frog” existence into a state that is described in the bible as “when we see Him we will be like him”.

I am pleased to conclude by saying that since those early days my enjoyment of gardening – even weeding – has improved considerably and so grateful that my eyes have been opened to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, we thank you for the beauty of your creation and regret the devastation we and others may have caused. We pray that just as nature recovers from human interference you will restore within us a relationship with you that confirms your involvement in our lives. AMEN