Fruits of the Spirit 9

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Stay in control, STOP (what you are about to do or say), THINK (about your choices), DO (what will please God).

Simple instructions aimed at teaching children about self-control but equally as relevant for us “older children”.

How often do we rush into saying or doing something and then wishing it could be un-said or undone?

Or perhaps we want to exert better self-control in our lives. What things exert control over your life? It might be food, or any other number of things. It’s so frustrating when we know what is the right thing to do but keep avoiding it, or putting it off.

But God is a patient God. He keeps waiting for us to make those right decisions, he is the God of second chances (and third, and fourth….)

And he rejoices when we do what is right and pleasing to him.

So don’t beat yourself up when you have that 2nd chocolate digestive, or decide against going out for that walk, or buy yet another pair of shoes. Stop and as my school report said at times, “will try harder next time.”

Prayer: Gracious God, forgive our lack of self-control and help us take back control in our lives over those things that stop us drawing close to you. Help us to “stop, think and do” so that we can be true fruits of the Spirit, pleasing to you. AMEN